My main work right now I suppose is wearable wings, which I've sold more of then any other works I've created to date. I mostly make butterfly inspired wings but I've also made dragonfly and bee wings. I am trying to branch out my method of producing them, I am looking to try stretched paper wing construction as well as trying different wires and fabrics to get different feel and effects. But for now I'll continue on the way I'm going.
Then there's fimo! I love fimo and I've been working with it for ages, it's a polymer clay (acrylic clay)you bake in the oven, you can paint it after it's baked and it's just such fun stuff! I have been creating little elves, gnomes, faeries, dragons.... out of this stuff! It's so fun to watch little characters come out of the clay and become more defined with clothes hair and accessories! It's such magic! I would really like to get into puppet making as well! Also claymation, would be so magical! I have been thinking about doing workshops in sculpture of little beings, in the days to come that's one of my goals!
Then there is painting. I love to paint i's probably one of my favourite things to work with although I think i need to practice as I feel it's one of my weaker focuses. It is such a rush to cover a canvas in bright glowing colours and movement you can capture is incomparable and the ground you can cover in one stroke so satisfying! I guess it's more of the instant gratification, not that a piece is finished quickly, but each stage is more satisfying, you could keep going forever layer after layer or stop whenever. Although one of the other things about painting that drives me nuts is I never feel the work is done. Now that might be because I'm more used to working in 3d as opposed to 2d but I'm not sure. Any painters out there have a word on that?
Then we have pottery one of my newest ventures, I can spend hours upon hours in he studio working away without realizing the whole days gone by. The work is so meditative and grounding, working with dirt and your hands how refreshingly messy. Every time I leave the studio I am absolutely covered head to toe in mud it's delightful and makes me feel like a kid again, I suppose art does in general but there is something powerful to creating something useful for basic necessities like eating, we need to eat and it's not good to eat off the ground so we need dishes! Something very powerful to creating something so essential. This made me feel very delighted to know I was being creative doing something of need! Not to say artistic expression is not needed in other mediums, though I questioned it for years. Torn as to whether I believed it was good to create needlessly. Now I understand and know it's not needlessly for if it was, it wouldn't happen, and I use art as a form of therapy, a voice, a way to share truths with people on a deeper level then they may even realize. Art is needed to evolve communities to help people see where to go and what to do for the betterment of self and the planet we call home.
Real amazing.